Simple tables are necessary and a big must – have for any data you need to show. We use it for our Privacy Policy pages when displaying Cookie Policy, but they are also great for product comparison. If you’d like to display different pricing plans, please use our Pricing Tables shortcode.

[st_table cols="Item||Info||Features||Price" data="Total Price=$79||Item #2||Item Data||Item Feature||$10||Item #3||Item Data||Item Feature||$19||Item #4||Item Data||Item Feature||$50"]
Pricing Tables
With the latest plugin updates we introduced more flexibility around Pricing Tables Supreme Shortcode. No more pre defined column backgrounds. Now you have a full control over the look and feel of your pricing tables. See below for some inspiration on how to use them. Check out the documentation to grab a code and use it on your website.

[st_pricing_table][st_pricing_column title="Column" highlight="false"] [st_price_info cost="$14.99/month"][/st_price_info]
Item description and details...
Item description and details...
Some more info...
[st_button text_color="#444444" link="#" background="#E6E6E6" size="small" target="_blank" icon="none" icon_spin="no" border_radius="2px"]Button text[/st_button]
[/st_pricing_column] [st_pricing_column title="Column" highlight="true"] [st_price_info cost="$14.99/month"][/st_price_info]
Item description and details...
Item description and details...
Some more info...
[st_button text_color="#444444" link="#" background="#E6E6E6" size="small" target="_blank" icon="none" icon_spin="no" border_radius="2px"]Button text[/st_button]
[/st_pricing_column] [st_pricing_column title="Column" highlight="false"] [st_price_info cost="$14.99/month"][/st_price_info]
Item description and details...
Item description and details...
Some more info...
[st_button text_color="#444444" link="#" background="#E6E6E6" size="small" target="_blank" icon="none" icon_spin="no" border_radius="2px"]Button text[/st_button]