Tooltip, Popover and Modal - Supreme Shortcodes

These three super useful Supreme Shortcodes are your friends when it comes to providing more information to your users but only on certain action – click, hover or popover touch. See these examples below.


Tooltips are a great way to provide tips for your readers. You can change the colour, size, and alignment with Supreme Tooltips shortcode. They can be added to any element, making it a great way to add additional info to your post without adding a clutter.

This is a simple text where you can hover me to see top tooltip.

This is a simple text where you can hover me to see bottom tooltip.

This is a simple text where you can hover me to see right tooltip.

This is a simple text where you can hover me to see left tooltip.


This shortcode is useful to provide additional information to your visitors. Popover display informative text when users tap or click an element. The main difference between tooltip and popover shortcode is that a user can trigger the first one by hovering the element and other by clicking it.

Popover Top
This is title

Some popover text to display here and show what you can do with this neat little shortcode.
Popover Bottom
This is title

Some popover text to display here and show what you can do with this neat little shortcode.
Popover Right
This is title

Some popover text to display here and show what you can do with this neat little shortcode.
Popover Left
This is title

Some popover text to display here and show what you can do with this neat little shortcode.


Add any HTML content into modal such as images, video, lists, or any other Supreme Shortcode. Modals windows are great for use as call to action tools and for pointing out important information. You can input Contact Form shortcode or a simple promotional banner using Boxes and Callouts shortcodes. Possibilities are endless. Have fun with it!


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We usually tend to reply in first 48 hours but it can sometimes take a bit longer.

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Something's cooking!

Please check on 2021 as we gave up on this 2020.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eleifend blandit luctus. Nulla imperdiet magna urna, sed tempus ex porta et. Donec et arcu tempor, consequat est sit amet, aliquam nisl.

    Morbi nec magna faucibus, pharetra eros eget, ultricies tellus. Morbi a interdum elit. Praesent ullamcorper bibendum elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam lobortis ex quis quam hendrerit volutpat. Vestibulum at nunc quis augue pulvinar iaculis.

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    We gave up on 2020!

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eleifend blandit luctus. Nulla imperdiet magna urna, sed tempus ex porta et. Donec et arcu tempor, consequat est sit amet, aliquam nisl.


    Morbi nec magna faucibus, pharetra eros eget, ultricies tellus. Morbi a interdum elit. Praesent ullamcorper bibendum elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam lobortis ex quis quam hendrerit volutpat. Vestibulum at nunc quis augue pulvinar iaculis.

    Click here

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas aliquet, purus id pulvinar euismod, nulla quam fermentum.

    Pellentesque tellus ex, vestibulum et ante et, pulvinar fringilla neque. Sed posuere pulvinar arcu lobortis tristique.