Supreme Shortcodes Light – WordPress plugin. Free version of one of the top selling and trending WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon. 50+ free shortcodes that will convert your landing page.
Most advanced and easy to use Shortcodes Builder with amazing free set of 50+ great and useful media elements for your site such as: retina icons, 3D buttons, SEO-ready tabs and toggles, lists with icons, responsive columns, and more.
Supreme Free Shortcodes WordPress Plugin brings an amazing set of beautiful and useful media elements to your site that you can get absolutely for free! With Supreme Shortcodes Plugin you can easily create tabs, toggles, 3d buttons, sharing buttons, callout boxes, responsive media (audio and video), contact forms with captchas, colourful google maps, google trends, lists with icons, superior typography with drop caps, labels, highlight text, dividers, and much, much more.
Supreme Free Shortcodes WordPress Plugin Features:
- 100% Responsive Flat Design
- Shortcodes Builder with Live Preview
- Unlimited Colors
- Add Shortcodes anywhere event in Widget Areas and Menus
- Pre-Built Page Snippet: About Us, Services, Hiring, History…
- Compatible with all the major browsers and most of the themes and frameworks
- Built with Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5
Fly above restrictions and boundaries of a chosen theme. No more need to struggle with custom templates or PHP code. If you want to take it to the next level and hugely improve the appearance of the elements and make them look more professional, you might want to consider purchasing the Supreme Shortcodes from CodeCanyon for only $35.
- Break Line
- Horizontal line
- Div Clear
- Divider Dotted
- Divider Dashed
- Divider To Top
- Divider Shadow
- PRO Divider with Text centered
- PRO Divider with Text on the left
- PRO Divider with text on the right
- 3D Flat Button with unlimited colours, Link target, 4 sizes and other options
- PRO 3D Flat Button with Retina Icon
- Read More Button
- Sharing Buttons
- Facebook Like button (3 styles)
- Twitter button (3 styles)
- Pinterest button (3 styles)
- Facebook share button
- Tumbler button (3 styles)
- Digg button (3 styles)
- LinkedIn button (3 styles)
- PRO Log In button
- PRO Log Out button
- PRO Popover on top
- PRO Popover on right
- PRO Popover on bottom
- PRO Popover on left
- PRO Modal window with primary button
- Tabs
- Toggle
- PRO Progress bar clean (4 colors)
- PRO Progress bar with stripes (4 colors)
- PRO Progress bar animated (4 colors)
- Ordered List
- Unordered List – Success
- Unordered List – Info
- Unordered List – Warning
- Unordered List – Star
- PRO Unordered List – Green Plus
- PRO Unordered List – Red Minus
- Styled Tables
- PRO Pricing Tables ( Responsive )
- PRO Hosted Audio
- Mixcloud Audio
- Soundcloud Audio
- PRO HTML5 Video
- YouTube Video
- Vimeo Video
- PRO Dailymotion Video
- Responsive row
- Responsive columns (12 grid)
- Google map – Road map
- Google map – Satellite
- Google map – Hybrid
- Google map – Terrain
- Google Trends
- PRO Google Docs Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form …
- PRO Google Charts – Pie
- PRO Google Charts – Area
- PRO Google Charts – Bubble
- PRO Google Charts – Combo
- PRO Google Charts – Org
- PRO Google Charts – Geo
- PRO Google Charts – Bar
- Dropcap Light
- Dropcap Light Circled
- Dropcap Dark
- Dropcap Dark Circled
- Highlight (3 colors)
- Label (5 colors)
- PRO Quote + Cite
- PRO Abbrevation Helper
- Info box
- Alert box
- Success box
- Error box
- PRO Callout box with the button
- 400+ Font Awesome Icons
- PRO Social Icons with the link (30+)
- Contact Form Light
- PRO Contact Form Dark
- Page Siblings (side navigation)
- Page Children (side navigation)
- Code
- Tooltip on the top
- Tooltip on the right
- Tooltip on the bottom
- Tooltip on the left
- Related Posts
- Image Fancy Box
- Inline Fancy Box
- Iframe Fancy Box
- Page Fancy Box
- SWF Fancy Box
- Posts Carousel
- Pages Carousel
- Custom Post Types Carousel
Minimum Requirements:
* WordPress 6
* PHP version 7.4
* MySQL version 5.0
Automatic installation:
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type “Supreme SHortcodes FREE” and click Search Plugins. Install it by simply clicking Install Now. You will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation.
Manual installation:
The manual installation method involves downloading our eCommerce plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application.
1. Download the plugin file to your computer and unzip it
2. Using an FTP program, upload the unzipped plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins/ directory.
3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress administration.
You can have a premium support, and speak directly with the plugin developer, if you purchase the Supreme Shortcodes PRO version on Codecanyon (“Supreme Shortcodes PRO on Codecanyon”). If you get stuck and you’re not a Supreme Shortcodes PRO customer, you can ask for help on the community forums.
Take a look at the Supreme Shortcodes Demo site (“Supreme Shortcodes demo site from the SupremeFactory”) where you can see shortocdes in action + copy/paste get the code feature.
Yes, it will soon be available. Stay tuned.
Yes. You can see extensive documentation for Supreme Shortocdes Plugin on this link. (“Supreme Shortcodes – detailed documentation from the SupremeFactory”)
Please take a look at Supreme Shortocdes Video Tutorials available for free on this link.
You can Copy and Paste prebuilt page snippets including. Just go to this link.( “Supreme Shortcodes – video tutorials from the SupremeFactory”) and copy/paste the snippets in Text mode (not Visual) of your Post/Page Editor.
We are constantly adding new features to Supreme Shortcodes, please contact us with your idea.