Version 3.0.1 – Aug 2024
# Feature: Two more dividers available # Improvement: Facebook sharing button and its fb code output in footer # Improvement: Related - added limit to the rest of related shortcode options # Improvement: Fixed and improved twitter and facebook necessary markup # Improvement: Allowed markup output for iframes special cases # Improvement: Rewritten code conditions to switch statements for faster loading # Improvement: Horisontal line has alignment and class options added # Improvement: Added twitter and fb admin settings and updated vendors versions in admin settings screen # Bugfix: Non vc icon font awesome styling options fixed # Bugfix: Dividers - fixed divider waves into wave css and output # Bugfix: Media Card - a small glitch with media card shortcode if image is not provided # Bugfix: Fancybox - fixed extra quotes issue in markup # Bugfix: SVG drawings - fixed the case where previous element is not svg because other plugin is injecting something to handle images
Version 3.0 – 10 Oct 2023
# Feature: Tabs shortcode - added vertical tabs option # Feature: ALL shortcodes now available as Visual Composer elements # Feature: new otpions for dividers shortcode # Feature: new shortcode - icon card # Feature: New shortcode - Card (image or video) # Feature: Modal shortcode - choose button size # Feature: Popover shortcode - choose button size # Feature: new shortcode - line icons # Feature: new shortcode - countdown # Feature: new shortcode - testimonials carousel # Feature: new shortcode - typewriter # Feature: new shortocde - empty space # Improvement: All shortcodes speed optimized # Improvement: Unordered, ordered lists and Message Box - icon font replaced retina images # Improvement: Pricing Table shortcode - choose your own colors # Improvement: Removed G+ sharing functionality # Improvement: Removed Digg sharing functionality # Improvement: Contact Form shortcode - added google reCaptcha verification for more secure spam protection # Improvement: All icons are sharp svg's or font icons now # Improvement: Toggle, Tabs, Accordion, Contact Form, Audio, Table, Pricing Table, Modal, Popover, Tooltip, Related, Fanybox, Page Children and Page Siblings shortcodes re-styled # Improvement: backend rebranding # Improvement: All button shortcodes have new options like font weight and border thickness # Bugfix: Standard Supreme Shortcodes generator upload media popup layout fixed
Version 2.0 – 28 Aug 2016
# Feature: Complete code base overhaul. Now all object oriented. Faster loading # Improvement: New improved admin panel. Completely new shortcode generator # Bug Fix: All default values load improved. Missing attributes upon shortcode generate fixed # Bug fix: Visual Composer better compatibility
Version 0.2.7 – 18 Sept 2015
# Improvement: WP 4.3+ compatibility # Bug Fix: VC modal content text issue fixed # Bug Fix: VC contact form light/dark choice issue with not selecting the right one - fixed
Version 0.2.6 – 24 April 2015
# Feature: New shortcode for standalone and vc extension - Image Scroller # Improvement: Alt tags on all shortcodes with image tag added # Improvement: Pricing tables button now supports icon, spinning, border radius and target attributes # Improvement: Contact Form shortcodes - code and validation improvements # Improvement: XSS vulnerability prevented and now secured # Bug Fix: Link attribute for all buttons - in generator/standalone version - fixed # Bug Fix: Better VC compatibility in Back End # Bug Fix: Contact Form double col and row attribute removed from HTML output
Version 0.2.5 – 12 September 2014
# Feature: Icon Spin animation added for: Icon Boxes and all of the buttons that can have an icon # Feature: Font Awesome updated to 4.3.0 # Change: .mo and .po English files updated # Change: Bootstrap 2 removed # Change: Extra css classes added for each Google Chart - for easier styling # Bug Fix: Visual Composer - Backend SS icon for add element fixed css # Bug Fix: VC - Section edit function fixed
Version 0.2.4 – 24 July 2014
# Feature: New shortcode! Icon Boxes # Feature: Icon boxes for Visual Composer # Change: class _separator changed to ss-separator # Change: /* SS Custom Style */ renamed in output # Change: .mo and .po files updated (eng) # Change: Documentation updated # Bug Fix: Digg button - function changed # Bug Fix: VC add element - digg button double style parametar removed # Bug Fix: vc_map error when WP_DEBUG is ON removed
Version 0.2.3 – 04 June 2014
# Feature: Choose loading for svg icons in supreme panel # Feature: Choose loading for SVG drawings in supreme panel # Change: .mo and .po files updated - english # Change: iconmelon svg file reduced size # Bug Fix: Progress bar issue in VC # Bug Fix: VC icon aligment none # Bug Fix: Change colors for contact form and primary button - fixed
Version 0.2.2 – 22 May 2014
# Feature: Backup/Restore Options in admin panel added # Feature: Change tabs background and text color # Feature: New shortcode - Accordion # Feature: New shortcode - Iconmelon 1600+ icons + live search - both standalone and VC # Change: .mo and .po files (eng) updated # Change: Documentation updated # Change: .btn class changed for better theme and plugin compatibility # Change: Swiper files updated to version 2.6.1 # Change: update notifier cache names changed - better compatibility
Version 0.2.1 – 12 May 2014
# Bug Fix: WP 3.8 drop down issue - corrected # Bug Fix: Callout button, center vertical for Bootstrap 2.3.2 users # Bug Fix: HTML5 video is responsive now # Feature: Font awesome and social icon alignment option added # Change: icon-... size name class changed
Version 0.2.0 – 30 April 2014
# Feature: New Shortcode: SVG drawing # Feature: New Shortcode: Hover button effects # Feature: Better support for script call if script not loaded # Feature: WordPress Update notice when new version available on Codecanyon # Bug Fix: VC divider shadow image path corrected # Change: .mo and .po files updated # Feature: Portuguese translation. Thanks to brshift. # Feature: Border radius for all buttons added # Feature: New button size - jumbo # Change: Support for VC bundeled with theme # Bug fix: VC text block + SS popup z-index increased
Version 0.1.9 – 18 April 2014
# Feature: WordPress 3.9 and TinyMCE 4+ compatibility # Feature: Social Icons added target attribute # Feature: All video embeds are responsive now. Flash, youTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, HTML5 - all will be 100% wide. To shrink them, put them in column shortcode. # Feature: Load jQuery (default OFF) - for old themes without jQuery # Feature: Fancybox thumbnail width, if empty 150px is default # Bug Fix: Visual Composer swiper undefined - fixed # Bug Fix: Shadow divider wrong image path corrected # Change: http:// pinterest and tumbler changed to // # Change: Callout boxes better responsivity and choose button color for non VC users # Change: Font awesome narrow icons better look for circle and square type
Version 0.1.8 – 6 April 2014
# Feature: Choose which version of Bootstrap framework to use # Change: Small CSS styling adaptions # Change: Updated .mo and .po files
Version 0.1.7 – 4 April 2014
# Feature: Choose which script and style to load - more options added # Feature: Tabs now fades in and out - nice transition # Feature: Icon preview and live search for icons, font awesome and button shortcode, in both VC and normal shortcode preview # Change: Social Icons classess changed with prefix st- for better theme and plugin compatibility # Change: Re-written to Bootstrap 3.1.1 # Change: Now using Font Awesome 4.0.3 # Feature: VC google chart title option added # Bug Fix: Facebook like button - fixed # Big Fix: Easy Tables plugin conflict with drop down - fixed # Bug Fix: Firefox VC dropdown icon issue # Bug Fix: seesion start error for contact forms - fixed # Bug Fix: Pinterest button formating
Version 0.1.6 – 20 February 14
# Feature: Visual Composer full compatibility/ new elements integration # Feautre: Available shortcodes in Visual Composer: - 3D button + icon - Divider (dotted, dashed, to top, shadow) - Read more button - Share buttons (twitter, dig, fb like, fb share, linkedIn, google+, pinterest and tumbler) - Login/Out button - Box (info, warning, alert, success, callout + button) - Icons (font awesome, 30 social 3D icons) - Animated elements - Tooltip - Popover - Modal - Progress bar (info, success, warning, error) - Section (color, image, parallax) - Google maps (road map, terrain, satellite, hybrid) - Google trends - Google docs - Google charts - Audio (soundcloud, mixcloud, hosted audio) - Video (youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, flash, html5) - Dropcap - Quote - Highlight (unlimited colors) - Label - Abbreviation - Related (posts, siblings, children) - Fancybox (image, inline, iframe, page, swf) - Contact forms (light, dark) - Carousel (flexslider, swiper) # Feature: Font awesome shortcode extended - choose circle, square or normal + background and icon color # Bug Fix: Load twitter bootstrap upon plugin activation - fixed # Bug Fix: Fancybox thumbnail on click not opening - fix # Change: Translation files updated
Version 0.1.5 – 04 February 2014
# Feature: New shortcode - Animated elements # Feature: New shortcode - Swiper # Feature: New shortcode - Container # Feature: New shortcode - Section Color # Feature: New shortcode - Section Image (with parallax effect) # Feature: New shortcode - Colored Text # Feature: Options panel - change contact form submit button color # Bug Fix: Tabs - closing shortcode tag st_ prefix, fixed # Change: Toggle look and feel, changed icon for open/close state # Change: Tabs look and feel, now tab content has borders too # Change: Contact forms lignt and dark new look and feel # Change: Post Carousel next and prev arrows design # Change: Documentation updated
Version 0.1.4 – 21 January 2014
# Feature: Admin Panel - Options (change colors, video tutorials, page snippets) # Feature: Google Maps - info box popup added # Feature: Fancybox Images - insert/upload image and thumbnail directly from mmedia library (shortcode builder popup window) # Bug Fix: Alert box - preview style conflict with WordPress 3.8 # Bug Fix: Styled lists preview shortcode missing icons fixed # Change: .mo and .po files updated
Version 0.1.3 – 29 December 2013
# Feature: Toggle choose open or close state, added # Bug Fix: Create/Insert column, post editor undefined issue, fixed
Version 0.1.2 – 28 December 2013
# Feature: Responsive Audio Shortcode, now 100% wide. Put them in column for responsive behaviour # Feature: Added feature for putting font awesome icons shortcode into a button shortcode # Bug Fix: Issue with Revolution Slider shortcode output, fixed # Bug Fix: Visual Composer, icons in backend not showing, fixed
Version 0.1.1 – 18 December 2013
# Change: Prefix st_ added for better theme compatibility # Feature: New 3D Retina social icons # Feature: Another set of Preview and Insert buttons added at the bottom of popup window for easier access # Documentation: Updated