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  3. Supreme Swiper
  4. Getting started
  5. Compatibility


It is already tested and compatible with all default WordPress themes:

  • Twenty Eleven
  • Twenty Twelve
  • Twenty Thirteen
  • Twenty Fourteen
  • Twenty Fifteen
  • Twenty Sixteen
  • Twenty Seventeen
  • Twenty Nineteen
  • Twenty Twenty
  • Twenty Twenty-One
  • Twenty Twenty-Two
  • Twenty Twenty-Three
  • Twenty Twenty-Four

But it also goes well with any other theme thanks to its unique id’s and classes!

Many options, colorpickers, dropdowns with selection, icon panel, search function and more is available in Supreme ShortCodes Builder Manager to help you create your desired element fast and easy. Shortcodes Manager is available in both WordPress Visual Editor and Text mode, and you can embed Shortcodes in Sidebar Widget, Excerpt.

Did we mentioned that all of the shortcodes are fully responsive?
Built on responsive framework makes it 100% pixel perfect when it comes to different screen resolutions, operating systems and devices.

Customize your website with this wonderful plugin today!